Timeline & Pricing

The Leadership Institute takes place over two distinct fiscal years, allowing you to earn two years worth of academy credit!

The Leadership Institute will be taking place in person as state guidelines allow, or will be postponed to a later date.

For any questions about the Leadership Institute, please contact Jennifer Corbin at jcorbin@iasbo.org or (815) 762-3490.


Friday, December 20, 2024 — Registration deadline for the 2025 Leadership Institute Cohort. Once notified of their acceptance, cohort members then take the two feedback instruments.

March 3-5, 2025 — During this two-night, two-day immersion experience in Bloomington, the feedback instruments are discussed, interpreted and acted upon. Participants will remain on campus thru the afternoon of day two. One Administrator Academy seminar is completed.

September 17-18, 2025 — The cohort meets again in Bloomington for a second Administrator Academy seminar, goal setting, reflection, follow up and celebrating the program completion.


This includes all meals, housing and program materials. The Institute takes place over two distinct fiscal years allowing for two invoices, one for each fiscal year. The special $500 pricing is for school district Illinois ASBO members only, $800 for non-member school district. If you are a Service Associate member, please contact Jennifer Corbin at jcorbin@iasbo.org for pricing information.

If you are ready to move out of your comfort zone and practice new leadership traits in a safe environment - the Leadership Institute is for you! Your fellow cohort members will ultimately support you during your journey in the program and beyond.


The Missing Piece in My Education as a Manager

The Leadership Institute completed a missing piece to my education as a manager. My master’s coursework had laid the foundation of the basic skills needed to be a school business official, but the Leadership Institute taught me management of others and effective communication with others.”

– Beth A. Reich
Business Manager
Grant CHSD 124