
Budget, and BIMP and Bonds, Oh My! As the legislative session comes to a close, the flurry of activity shifts from the chambers of debate to the governor's desk. With the session now ended, the Governor is picking up his pen to sign into law the bills that have navigated the legislative process. The bill signing activity commenced last week with several key pieces of legislation being approved. FY25 Education Budget The budget bill was signed on June 5th, and is now Public Act 103-0589 . The FY 25 budget provided an additional $528 million dollars in General Revenue Funds (state dollars) for K12 education which totals the state’s contribution ...
And That’s a Wrap! Although we had heard members of the 103rd General Assembly (GA) expected to be finished up early Sunday morning, unfortunately, that was not the end result for the Spring 2024 session. In order for that to happen, all bills would have needed to be filed by Friday evening, and although an initial version of the budget bill was filed, both chambers adjourned late into the evening without filing a budget implementation bill or several of the expected omnibus bills. Ultimately, all of the final bills were filed on Saturday and Sunday in the Senate. Due to the procedural requirements for the timing and quantity of times each ...
A Few More Days! Although we kept our hopes up that the 103rd Illinois General Assembly would adjourn today, as of the timing of this update, we have yet to see a budget bill filed. Both chambers are still here in Springfield and appear to be planning to continue action through the weekend with hopes of final adjournment on Sunday. We continue to await the filing of the budget bill, the budget implementation bill (BIMP), and the numerous omnibus packages that we have heard are brewing. For a quick update on 403b action, the language from SB 2568 Amendment 6 was filed on a shell bill - HB 341 Senate Amendment 1 . We are under the impression ...
It’s the Final Countdown (maybe…) Another week closer to adjournment, and what a week it was! Although most of the bill action is winding down with the exception of a few last second filings, budget discussions are ramping up in caucus meetings, subject matter hearings and legislator working groups. Below are highlights from committee hearings this week: Senate Education Committee SB 1400 (Lightford; D-Hillside) is an initiative of the education labor unions and school management groups that have been repeatedly hearing from their membership about the difficulties with implementation of SB 100. Specifically, members have ...
Adventures in Legislating: Your Weekly General Assembly Update! As we navigate the latest from the Illinois General Assembly, we wanted to provide you with a comprehensive update on the week's legislative developments. This week saw significant behind the scenes activity surrounding SB 2568 (Villa; D-West Chicago), a bill that has been a focal point of our attention since February and seeks to limit access to certain 403b plans for school employees. Amidst the SB 2568 developments, other legislative activities unfolded in various committees, and we are hearing rumblings of omnibus packages being put together that may range from revenue to procurement ...
We are reaching out to bring your attention to a critical matter that directly impacts our members’ financial well-being and freedom. We have been working to negotiate SB 2568 (Villa; D-West Chicago) since February of this session. With the legislation, the Senator intends to limit the available 403b plan options to all school district employees to only those that meet certain specifications. By default, these limits would eliminate many choices for employees who have different financial situations that may dictate the necessity of a diverse array of investment choices. Industry representatives believe the requirements of this bill could eliminate ...
Inside the Capitol: Committee Highlights and Pending Legislation As April showers allow May flowers to bloom, so does the action in the legislature! After a week-long break, the chambers are lacing up their negotiation sneakers and sprinting back to the legislative track. It’s budget season, and appropriations negotiations take center stage. But hold onto your hats, because it's not just about the numbers—expect a few last-minute legislative curveballs that might just keep everyone on their toes! Having surpassed the third reading deadlines in both chambers several weeks ago, we find ourselves at a pivotal juncture in the General Assembly ...
Legislative Highlights from Another Action-Packed Week! Happy Friday! Unsurprisingly, we have had another action-packed week at the Capitol as the House approached its third reading deadline today. The week has been marked by last minute bill amendments, shell bill filings, hastily scheduled committee hearings and lengthy floor debates. Below are some highlights from subject matter hearings and the many committee meetings that were scheduled for this week: House Appropriations-Elementary & Secondary Education Committee Following a lengthy House floor session, the Appropriations committee met to hear substantial subject matter ...
Insights from Senate 3rd Reading Deadline & House Committee Updates Happy Friday! As we reflect on the events of the Senate’s third reading deadline week, it is evident that our collective advocacy efforts continue to shape the future of education policy in Illinois. From engaging discussions to pivotal decisions to filed witness slips, this week underscored the importance of making our voices heard to drive positive change for our schools and communities. Prior to finalizing floor action in the Senate this week, there were a few additional measures heard in committee that had not been previously heard. A few highlights of those bills are ...
We are reaching out today with another urgent Call to Action regarding HB 3907 (Stuart; D-Collinsville) a bill that proposes mandating 45 minutes of uninterrupted, individual preparation time per day for all educators. Thanks in large part to collective advocacy efforts last week, the bill was not called for a hearing. Unfortunately, the bill is posted again for this week and may be called for a hearing in the House Elementary and Secondary Education: Administration, Licensing & Charter Schools Committee on Thursday, April 11th, at 2:00pm . We received a number of questions about the bill last week, so we believe it is important to ...
Happy Friday! Amidst the gray clouds that have blanketed our skies this week, there has been a whirlwind of activity echoing through the halls of the Capitol. As we bid farewell to House Committee Deadline Week, numerous pieces of legislation have successfully progressed out of committee, marked by collaborative agreements to refine and further discuss these important matters. Below is a recap of this week's education-related bill movement. House Appropriations: Elementary and Secondary Education Committee Ann Whalen , the Transition Director for the Department of Early Childhood, presented the FY25 budget request for a brand new state agency, ...
We are reaching out today with an urgent Call to Action regarding HB 3907 (Stuart; D-Collinsville) a bill that proposes mandating 45 minutes of uninterrupted preparation time per day for all educators. This bill has been scheduled for consideration by the House Elementary and Secondary Education: Administration, Licensing & Charter Schools Committee on Wednesday, April 3, at 2:00 pm . Despite initial indications that the bill might not progress this session, it has recently been amended via House Amendment 1 . Unfortunately, the amendment fails to address the concerns expressed by management groups. While it stipulates that prep ...
Happy Friday! As the dust settled from the primary election on Tuesday, the General Assembly reconvened in Springfield on Wednesday afternoon to resume the committee process for a variety of bill proposals. Today’s Advocacy Alert provides updates on the week’s legislative developments that impact education, including bills addressing school curriculum, policies and crucial funding matters. See below for a recap of another exciting week in the capital city. General Primary Election Recap Tuesday's General Primary Election shed light on intriguing insights into party politics. Over 20 primary races took place in the House, and amidst the ...
As the curtains draw to a close on Senate Committee Deadline Week, and with the primary election looming on Tuesday, the corridors of government and the intricacies of politics have been bustling with anticipation. We experienced another somewhat understated week at the Capitol - legislatively, that is. You have likely heard by now that the Capitol did experience a lockdown on Tuesday following a possible threat. All was clear within about an hour and legislative activities resumed, uninterrupted for the remainder of the week. Below is a recap of this week’s education-related bill movement. House Appropriations - Elementary & Secondary Education ...
Happy Friday! It has been an action-packed week here in Springfield! We have seen a number of bills advance past their initial hurdle and receive a favorable vote in their substantive committees. Updates are available below from several Senate and House Committees. House Appropriations - Elementary & Secondary Education Committee On Tuesday, the House Appropriations-Elementary & Secondary Education Committee continued a series of subject matter hearings to discuss FY 25 budgetary proposals. During the subject matter, the Illinois Alliance of Administrators of Special Education (IAASE) discussed the needs of high-cost students ...
Happy Friday! With the General Assembly on break this week, there's a sense of calm amid the spring sunshine. Yet, behind the scenes, negotiations are active, making this a pivotal time for deals. Tasks such as refining bill language, gaining support from key stakeholders and resolving disagreements can be tackled with greater focus during this hiatus from formal proceedings. In Springfield, where politics is a blend of art and science, the break between sessions underscores the importance of patience and persistence in achieving progress, even during quieter periods. Despite the General Assembly not being in session this week, governance continues ...
Happy Friday! It has been an interesting week in Springfield to say the least. Although we did not see many committee cancellations, the committees that did convene heard only a handful of measures. Retirement Plan Legislation On Wednesday morning, the Senate Labor Committee heard testimony regarding SB 2568 (Villa-D; West Chicago), a bill aimed at imposing substantial restrictions on the administration of 403b plans within Illinois schools. Notably, this measure has garnered support from, the IEA and the IFT. Key provisions of SB 2568 include the elimination of the current practice of offering multiple vendors ...
With the delivery of Governor Pritzker’s combined State of the State and State Budget Address, it is evident that a resolute commitment to enhancing educational opportunities has been affirmed. We know that all of our members are educational leaders who are deeply invested in the betterment of your communities; therefore, we are pleased to highlight the promising outcomes unveiled in the Governor's FY25 budget recommendation. Overview of Education Budget Recommendation Highlighted increases in Governor Pritzker’s FY25 recommended education budget compared to the current FY24 enacted appropriations are as follows: $350 million Evidence-Based ...
We hope this message finds you in high spirits following a rejuvenating weekend! As we embark upon the journey of navigating the intricate pathways of the upcoming legislative landscape, it is our goal to help you stay informed and engaged with the latest developments. Today, we have some notable updates regarding recent filings and upcoming events that directly impact our educational community. Final Filing Numbers In our recent Advocacy Alert, we highlighted the unprecedented surge in legislative activity witnessed during the filing deadline week. There was a staggering total of 735 bills filed on the final filing day, with 324 bills filed ...