Illinois ASBOnline Offerings

Micro-credential: Leading for Health/Life Safety 

09-07-2021 14:29

Leading for Health, Life, Safety – Annual Life Safety Study is a standalone micro-credential in a series of micro-credentials offered by Illinois Association of School Business OfficialsThe educational leader must be able to identify all components needed for a successful HLS (Health Life Safety) annual study inspection that is done by the “Regional Office of Education” (ROE) for each county in the State of Illinois. The three key components of the HLS annual inspection are: the pre-inspection reports and documentation; the walk-through component and documentation of the inspection; and the remediation of violations found during the inspection.  All three components fit into the goal of providing a safe learning environment for students, staff, and the community.  This micro-credential confirms the competencies of knowing all factors in each component and how to successfully complete the inspection process with the Regional Office of Education which works directly with the Illinois State Board of Education. 

Please use the hyperlink attached to view registration information for the following program:
Micro-credential: Leading for Health/Life Safety

Please use a desktop or laptop computer to sign in and access the site after registration. Contact Rebecca Anderson with any questions. with any questions.


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