PMA Financial Network, LLC & PMA Securities, LLC Brokerage Account
If your entity wishes to purchase Fixed Income Securities (Certificates of Deposits or other “Permitted” Fixed Income Investments), complete the PMA Financial Network, LLC & PMA Securities, LLC Account Application Forms and Agreements along with sections 5 and 6 of the Master Account Application. Brokerage services utilize the same account number as your Fund account and are available through any and all sub-accounts you may open under your entity name. These applications can be obtained by contacting your PMA representative,
Audra Braski.
Check Writing
If you would like check-writing privileges on any of your Fund accounts, mark the appropriate section under “Fund Redemption Options” on the Master Account Application and complete the Fund signature card. We provide 300 standard manual business checks (3-to-a-page in a binder) at no charge. If you would like to order your own computerized, laser, or special order checks, we will fax the check specifications to you. You can then provide these to your check printer or software administrator to have your own checks printed at your expense.
Online Account Access
Contact your ISDLAF+ representative, Audra Braski, to obtain the form for online access to your Fund account(s) through the PMA GPS®. Login information for each user will be sent to the user’s email address as indicated on the form. Please keep in mind that for security purposes we are unable to establish a PMA GPS® login until the original signed Master Account Application is on file. (If you do not elect this option now, you may do so at any time in the future.)
Additional Account Authorization
After the establishment of your master account, to open additional, separate account(s) under your entity name, please contact your ISDLAF+, Audra Braski, for separate forms for each additional account. You may request check writing privileges on additional accounts as well; simply complete a separate signature card.
Update of Authorized Personnel
After the establishment of your master account, to change the authorized personnel listed in the Master Account Application, contact your ISDLAF+ representative, Audra Braski, for the required form. (This change will apply to all current and future accounts under your entity name, unless otherwise indicated).
Audra Braski Senior Vice President (630) 657-6422 Contact |