The Illinois School District Liquid Asset Fund Plus (ISDLAF+) referred to as “the Fund” is an investment opportunity for Illinois school districts, Cook County township school treasurers, community college districts and educational service regions.
The Multi-Class Series invests in money market instruments having a maximum remaining maturity of one year (except that U.S. government obligations may have remaining maturities of up to two years). It has earned an AAAm rating from Standard & Poor’s (“S&P”).
The Multi-Class Series consists of two classes of shares: the Liquid Class and the MAX Class. The Liquid Class offers check writing privileges, while the MAX Class does not. Term Series Pools that are comprised of statute allowable investments having a designated maturity of between 30 days and 3 years may also be offered at certain times for Fund participants to pool their investments to maximize the rate of return for a defined time period.
The Fund also provides a Fixed Income Investment Program that allows investors to purchase investment instruments including certificates of deposit of banks and thrift institutions (“CDs") and bankers’ acceptances.