Advocacy Community Blog

Illinois ASBO Advocacy

Legislative AACJoin Illinois ASBO on the Highlights from the Spring Legislative Session

Watch as Dr. Michael Jacoby and Illinois ASBO's Government Relations team, Madeline McCune and Emily Warnecke summarize the highlights from the end of the spring legislative session. The team provides a breakdown of financial items included in the final budget for next fiscal year, as well as highlights specific pieces of legislation that school administrators will need to be aware of as they move into next school year. Check out the recording of this webinar and stay informed!



New District Reporting Requirements for Vendors & Subcontractors

35 ILCS 200/18-50.2 mandates specified taxing districts, including both home rule and non-home rule municipalities, to make a good faith effort to collect and publish certain demographic information provided by vendors and subcontractors doing business with the taxing district.

Specifically, all school districts that have an annual property tax levy of more than $5 million are required to make a good faith effort to collect information as to whether the vendor or subcontractor is a minority, women or veteran-owned business. Learn more on how to respond to this new law in the fact sheet linked below.


Budget, and BIMP and Bonds, Oh My! As the legislative session comes to a close, the flurry of activity shifts from the chambers of debate to the governor's desk. With the session now ended, the Governor ...
And That’s a Wrap! Although we had heard members of the 103rd General Assembly (GA) expected to be finished up early Sunday morning, unfortunately, that was not the end result for the Spring ...
A Few More Days! Although we kept our hopes up that the 103rd Illinois General Assembly would adjourn today, as of the timing of this update, we have yet to see a budget bill filed. Both chambers ...

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The Delegate Advisory Assembly (DAA) makes recommendations to the Illinois ASBO Board of Directors in regards to issues of public policy and/or legislation involving resource management of education. The DAA not only brings legislative issues to the forefront, but has also brought the expertise of school business managers in front of legislators to help shape legislation.